The last 3 or 4 fishing trips we went on we didn't even get so much as a bite, so it was nice to finally catch some. None of them were prize winners or anything and all the catfish we threw back along with a few reds that were under 19 inches.
Raising the boys with Mike has been a long hard road. They are grown now and all we can really do is just hope and pray that they choose the right roads in life. They taught me joy and I experienced a kind of pride and humbleness all at the same time as I watched them grow! I couldn't of hand picked a better man to share the journey with, it was another one of those times in my life that God knew what I needed long before I ever did. I'm very thankful for that!
Catching fish or not, It was a warm heartwarming feeling to look across the boat and see this! Fishing is my favorite thing to do in the whole world and to have somebody to share that with at this time in my life is something I'm very grateful for, I know how fast people can be taken away and I think it is important to cherish every moment!